Thursday, November 6, 2008

God Bless America...

The days previous to this last election I kept getting those email links to Leonardo DiCaprio's video telling me "not to vote". I thought it was funny. Since I turned 18, I've voted in every election except one. Big election, little election, I vote, dammit! And I go to the polls, no absentee voting or early voting for me. It's a ritual I love. I am damn proud of being a member of a democratic state. I think it's cool that I don't live under the Taliban or something. I love taking advantage of it, and wearing my "I voted" sticker.

Why do none of these well meaning, big election voters know that? At least I assume they don't know, because they sent me links asking me to vote. I think it's because I don't discuss politics. I spent my life listening to my right-of-Karl Rove dad rant and rave about the damn liberals, and I have his temperament, if not his political leanings. I don't want to force others to listen to me passionately rant on and on about things I only half understand. And, naturally as a result of my childhood, I'm afraid of others doing the same.

But I love my right to vote, and I always do it. During the continental congress, I would have been a Thomas Jefferson groupie standing outside the door waiting to seduce him with a flash of my ankle.

People should vote. At every opportunity available. It's not only your right, it's your responsibility. Maybe your vote doesn't really count, but what if it does?