Monday, May 7, 2007

Envy During the Wait

Sometimes I wish I sat in front of a computer most of the day, so I could blog before work gets me tired. My boss always seems to find too much for me to do. Damn saving the world takes a lot of time...maybe I should send him this:

Then there's this whole salary issue. Over the course of building this bike, I am sooo jealous of those who don't have to wait patiently for all of the deals to come along and sponsors to send product, and blah blah blah. I know I am lucky to have the resources I do have, but damn, at my age, I could've had more dough, you know? I've been thinking a lot about the ways we pay, and when we pay. Because you've always got to pay, right? So I pay with low pay, but I get all the time off, I run my little classroom world, and, I get to feel damn good about what I do most of the time.

But I want to ride my new bike, NOW! It's not the same since I rode Jeni's bike in the Sugoi Clinic. I want my BIG FIVE INCHES NOW!!!! I want to jump and hop and drop off RIGHT NOW!!!

But will I feel this pain when the bike is done? I don't know...

And then there's the worst jealousy: all you lucky folks who have found a mate who wants to ride with you or go to races with you or even lives near you.

Just 'cause I chose to be a weirdo and make no money doing God's work doesn't mean I wanted to become a celibate nun. Just someone who I like who likes me, too. That's all I ask. Why is that so hard?


Chris said...

Sweetcheeks - I always find that the newness of bike stuff wears off quickly for me. I am totally stoked to get it done and then it is done and I am riding it and two weeks later I am looking at new stuff. I guess it is never enough for me.

Find a mate that doesn't like to do the riding thing. Opposites attract. :)

ginmtb said...

Hey what you tryin' to say wid dat sign?

Auffderbach said...

After you stop looking for a mate and quit trying to make it happen is typically when the man of your
dreams will come into your life.
BUT, will he be able to pedal?

How do i get to my old stuff said...

SweetCheeks, you must be awful picky. As cute as u are there must be lots of cycling guys to choose from. Or do they only outnumber us about 9 to 1 here in the midwest?

Sweet Cheeks said...

chris - I've tried to date the non-riders. They tend to say, "You can't spend the whole weekend on your bike if you want a relationship." i go, "Huh?" Then we break-up.

Gin - That sign ended up in my inbox - it has to do with politics or something. I couldn't resist putting it on.

Sid - back in the day I was one of few. Now there's like 10,000,000 riding women out here. And I'm not picky. I just want brains, brawn, and riding skills. Ha ha. Seriously, though, all of the good ones seem to be taken...

Sweet Cheeks said...

Oh - and auffderbach - I keep trying to fool the universe into thinking I'm not looking, so that old "When you're not looking, it comes to you...." rule can work. Unfortunately, the universe knows I'm faking....stupid universe.