Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Life Kicks Ass

Saturday started with some ass kickin' yoga. Don't let the peace and spiritual orientation of the website fool you. The class is edifying and calming, before and after you stand on your head and commit other acts of wild contortion.

But, of course, that wasn't enough. I had to ride. I busted out the old hardtail and headed for the muddy hills.

An apple, some almonds, a rain jacket and a fender, I was off for a journey, and loving it.

The trails weren't all that soupy, and my voyage of discovery was filled with long slow cardio climbs followed by flowing single track downhills. Ah, the sweetness of winter base climbing in the woods. I'd forgotten the connection to the earth and my wheels that I get from that steel frame. All hail Hunter. I saw some hikers, but none of them glared (and some had a right to, if you know what I mean). I even got a wink and a nod from one family out there. That's one of the best parts of winter, too: most everyone you run into out there is stoked to be out, and to share the stoke. No fair weather hikers deep in the woods this time of year.

I was so in the flow, I got lost at one intersection, but found a trail new to me. It was super fun, and I could have ridden it forever if I had known where I was going. Something about being in the woods after dark all by my lonesome kept me from going in further. As it was, I got home 20 minutes before sunset.

After that, I was treated to the symphony. Another first for me.

The bad stuff doesn't really matter that much after you've been on a good, clean muddy ride.


How do i get to my old stuff said...

is that a picture of where you were riding?

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

treated to the symphony? a date?

Sweet Cheeks said...

Hi syd, not, I did not take that pic, but it sure is what it looks like around here on a rainy/overcast day.

Velo Girl - I don't air that stuff on the web. It scares the boys.

Chris said...

The Hunter is cool. I have never seen one of those before.