Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Turns Out I'm the Solution to State Overspending...

I was scheduled for tenure next year. Today I got my layoff packet of forms to sign. They layed off every teacher who was hired in the last two years.

I am a great teacher, no lie. But I do not have tenure here. I did in my last district, but I hated that job. I like this one much more. I like living here much more than over the hill. I wonder if I'll be able to keep living here.

The state of California messed up. From our superintendent:

"This district had a balanced budget when we started this school year. We are now staffed to improve the lives of our students. This district did not create the current crisis to which we now are required to respond. This is a time when we need to work together to bring about a balanced budget, and we need to contact our legislators to say loud and clear "We did not create this overspending problem - Don't make us and the children we serve the solution." Let your voice be heard at the state level.

Data from the state indicates that K - 12 education was increasing at 4.1% as compared to 6.8% for the state's overall baseline budget. Growth rates in corrections, debt service, and Health and Human Services were higher-than-average . K-12 has not been overspending. K-12 should not be bearing the brunt of other divisions overspending. Write your legislators and the governor. Fund schools now or plan to build even more prisons in the future."

Truthfully, the educational ship in Cali has been sinking for years. Now's the time to act like a rat, even though there's gonna' be union lawyers trying to cover my ass.

Yeah, I guess it's time to take that home down payment savings and go to design school like I've wanted to for about three years.


Scared, but Totally Free


Mark Davidson said...

Ow man! I'm sorry to hear that. That totally sucks. Public financing is so f*cked. Good one year, bad the next. Binge and purge. I hope you have a nice severance and find your new career path.

Chris said...

Sorry to hear about your job :(

Dawn said...

Uh, teachers don't get severance pay. My package is called "mom and dad" and, "gee, I hope I don't have to tap into my retirement".

The final word isn't until May 18.I've just been advised that I am most likely without a job next year.

How do i get to my old stuff said...

That's too bad, Sweetcheeks. I know you'll land on your feet, though. You have freedom and now'd be the time to make a leap in a different direction.

Was just watching CNN over lunch today and USA Today's latest issue has a lot of job trends/info. One of the things they talked about was exactly this sort of scenario... jumping careers... Which careers were good ones to switch to and all that.

Good luck!

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

no way! I'm so sorry, Dawn. maybe now you should jump in and pursue that design career?

gwadzilla said...

andy singer also does the greatest bicycle cartoons

andy singer rocks!