Monday, January 15, 2007

Turns out I'm a Tweener

I guess I always knew, in the back of my mind, but denial is so powerful. I think some of my friends have known for a while, they just wouldn't tell me - trying to save my feelings, I guess.

I faced it a couple of days ago. Too slow for the fast pack. Too skilled for the slow group. Bumming stuck behind a sketchy wheel while my braver, long-suffering pals zoom away, happy to sustain the hurt while they hug the wheel of a trustworthy ass in front of their face.

Thank God they caught us on the way back - finally, some of them were tired. Finally, I could ride in style for a while, smooth, close, and secure in the confidence of those who know themselves on their bike.

Can't blame the fast people, they've been working at it for a while, and their love is so pure. I am almost jealous enough to train a little, but, then, I know where my true love lies. Climbing up a hill with the pack, I saw a portion of the pavement raised by some geologic force. I shout, "Berm!" and rush to it. It's not as fun on the road bike, and no one else was excited like me. But it did make me lick my chops, my new toy that much closer to being built.

Hug wheels, or learn to fly?

So, I'm a roadie tweener. Life begins again in the dirt.

And yes - that's me! Sweet, eh?


~ lauren said...

i hear ya. i'm at the same place on the road.

i like dirt better.

Chris said...

It is hard to be good at all things. Be the best at what you really love doing and just be happy to participate in the others.

ginmtb said...

That photo brings back fond memories...

I'm getting all verklempt.

Frank said...

the dirt is calling you back...feel the cosmic pull of past Downieville rides and reminice in the euphoria of all day treks around Tahoe...we'll be here, arms wide open and cooler full

Sweet Cheeks said...

Lauren is with me, Chris is so wise, Mike has memories, and Frank has beer; how glad am I that I wrote this post.

Pete Basso said...

Keep pulling the slow group and pushing the fast group, eventually you either make the slow group faster and have now have friends to ride with your the fast group will push you to get faster and you'll have an additional option to ride with. Tweeners never stay put too long!!

Pete Basso said...

sorry I was on the phone writing that last post, now that I've gone back to read it.... "Wow", am I embarrassed. I swear, I'm not even drinking tonight.

marscat said...

i know that feeling comes and goes.

and that's a great photo of you.

Sweet Cheeks said...

Thank you! I seem to be blessed by people who want to take pictures of my skeelz. I'm too lucky, I guess....

nicknameless said... need to come to Sand Hill with me and Al!!! Ohhh and we should try to do DV, Tahoe, and Moab this summer!