Saturday, February 3, 2007

Things you cannot know, but should believe

Real love is constant because it forgives and is forgiven. There is no other way.

Even though it is painful, even though it is not practical, and even though it scares you.

Even though it scares me.

Real love is being caught in the act of being as ass and still being lovable.

To be loved needs loving. Loving needs honesty. Honesty needs courage. Courage needs faith.

Real love is faith.

Real love is seeing the beauty when it’s hidden. Real love is having the beauty return.

Faith over time equals love.


Pizie said...

Girl, I feel like huggin you right now! That is really beautiful. Did you write that?

Sweet Cheeks said...

Yes, I wrote it,thanks!

It was inspired by someone I really care about who really pissed me off. Sort of a reminder to myself what it's really about when you love people.